
The Pack

I talk a lot about my animals, so I thought I'd let you know about them.


Dora, hanging out in the pantry of our first place in Arlington. She looks so angelic in this picture...

Our first born (both in age and in acquisition). Moody, and drools worse than any dog in the house when cuddling. Part Siamese (which explains the moodiness), and referred to often as "Kyle's Cat".


Trademark Elvis lip and big ears...

Cross between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund, looks like a Min Pin. Most spoiled of the "children", best at barking at squirrels and anyone who walks into our house. Likes to dance and sleep in the most inopportune positions when next to me.


Malamute, and most beautiful (don't worry, I never tell him that out loud). The most stubborn, and definitely and smartest. Before moving to Texas, prefered to spend most of his time outside. Now, that only preference has been reduced to the months of October to February. I can feel him cursing at me when he goes outside and it's 105 outside.


Turk, hiding behind the hubsters on the couch. 

Turk was a stray, found attempting to pull a trash bag away from the street. A rope tied around his neck, with a leash clip digging into his throat. He tried to act real tough, but as soon as that rope came off his neck, it was all tail wags and kisses. The first few weeks he was scared of strangers, sudden movements and loud noises. Now, he greets everyone with a smile, and spends most of his time just as pictured above, curled up on the couch next to anyone who will let him be there.